Baines Road, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 1TE


The Gainsborough Charles Baines Community Primary School

Together we achieve

Art and Design

At Charles Baines, creative aspects of the National Curriculum have an important place in our children’s learning journey. As well as an acquisition of fundamental skills, we seek to develop our young people’s understanding of the world around them and increase their powers of observation.

Children at our school are exposed to a vast range of art forms and study a range of inspirational artists to instill a passion for creativity. Children understand that art reflects and shapes history as well as contributing to our country’s rich culture.

We are incredibly lucky to have visiting artists, workshops and extra-curricular clubs to broaden children’s opportunities to succeed in their creative endeavors. At our school, children use sketchbooks that follow them throughout year groups to help children understand the process from inspiration to final creative outcome.

In key stage one, children use a range of materials creatively to design and create their pieces of artwork. We study creative techniques in depth, such as: colour, pattern and texture, to increase our skill set and produce high-quality pieces of work.

In key stage two, children develop their skills further by reviewing their ideas and improving their mastery of artistic techniques. Through artist studies, children have a sound understanding of the different techniques that they can utilise to create their own style of art.


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Mixing Colours

Funny Faces and Fabulous Faces

Exploring Colours

Still Life

Colour Theory

Prehistoric Pots

 Warm and Cool Colours

Warp and Weft

Colour in Landscapes


Colour and Style

Trailblazers, Barrier Breakers



 Rain and Sunrays

 Flower Head


 People and Places



Line, Light and Shadows

Nature's Art


Environmental Artists




Portrait and Poses

 Beautiful Botanicals

 Mosaic Masters

 Statues, Statuettes and Figurines

 Islamic Art

Mixed Media


Distortion and Abstraction

Bees, Beetles and Butterflies