We believe that it is of great importance for all pupils to study Modern Foreign Languages, which will enable children to develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as ‘World Citizens’ who belong in a multicultural, mutually respectful world.
Our goal is for all pupils to experience a high quality languages curriculum which is an integral part of the broad and balanced curriculum we have. Our curriculum helps to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. It will also encourage pupils to appreciate and celebrate difference.
We aim for the languages curriculum to provide the foundation for learning further languages beyond KS2. We strive for language learning to flourish and our curriculum is designed and planned carefully for pupils’ progress by considering the key building blocks of language learning: phonics; grammar; vocabulary; and wider literacy skills, using a range of strategies to enable in-depth language learning such as speaking, listening, reading and writing.
We want the children to develop their linguistic skills to their full potential and to be able to communicate effectively in the target language. We aim to nurture and develop an awareness, appreciation and passion for European and world culture, creating outward looking global citizens for the future. We hold this aim and intent in mind as we deliver the National Curriculum to inspire a love of language as part of their lifelong journey of learning.
Autumn 1 | A new start (Greetings, feelings, numbers, colours) |
Autumn 2 | Calendar and celebrations (Bonfire colours, commands, days and months, Christmas) |
Autumn 1 | Welcome to school (Recap core language, rooms in a school, classroom objects) |
Autumn 2 | My town, your town (Commands, shops, asking and giving directions) |
Autumn 1 | Talking about us/school subjects (Extended feelings, recap personal information, introduce a friend, subjects and opinions) |
Autumn 2 | Time in the city (French city, buying a ticket, directions, descriptions, shopping, festive jumper) |
Autumn 1 | Revisiting me/Telling the time/Everyday life (Personal info recap, numbers to 60, time phrases, daily routine conversations) |
Autumn 2 | Homes and houses (Rooms in a house, furniture, describe rooms, spooky house story, game, elf on shelf) |
Spring 1 | Animals I like and don’t like (Animal nouns, singular and plural, opinions, story) |
Spring 2 | Carnival and using numbers (Carnival, numbers to 15, core language recap, age, dates, Easter) |
Spring 1 | Family tree and faces (Epiphany, family members, personal info, face parts, describing with colours) |
Spring 2 | Face and body parts (Face and body parts nouns and commands, yoga with body parts, alien creation) |
Spring 1 | Healthy eating, going to market (Fruit and veg nouns, class survey, prices, market dialogue, recipe) |
Spring 2 | Funfair and favourites (Funfair rides, opinions, adjectives, plan and describe theme park, favourite things, tradition) |
Spring 1 | Playing and enjoying sport (Sport nouns, opinions, verb to play, sports descriptions) |
Spring 2 | Funfair and favourites (Funfair rides, opinions, adjectives, plan and describe theme park, favourite things, tradition) |
Summer 1 | Fruits and vegetables, Hungry Giant (Fruit and veg nouns, counting, asking politely, story, board game) |
Summer 2 | Going on a picnic (Picnic story, food items, polite request) Aliens in France (Explore France, ask and answer ‘where do you live?’) Language Puzzle* |
Summer 1 | Feeling unwell/Jungle animals (Aches and pains, doctor role play, animal nouns, adjectives, simple sentences, story) |
Summer 2 | The weather (Weather phrases, seasons, forecast) Ice creams (Flavours, opinions) Language Puzzle* |
Summer 1 | Out of this world (ID cards, personal info conversations, names of planets, adjectives, prior learning recall, planet creations) |
Summer 2 | Going to the seaside (Items for the beach, persuasive sentences, visiting the seaside, read and understand facts about the beach) Language Puzzle* |
Summer 1 | Café culture (Café culture in France, opinions, French breakfast, hotel breakfasts, café roleplay) |
Summer 2 | Performance Time (Comedy sketch – What a waiter! Mocktails, scavenger hunt, Read all about it – Transition to KS3) Language Puzzle* |