We use a variety of techniques and text types to inspire the children's writing throughout the school year.
We use the following books in Autumn term to engage pupils in their curriculum learning as well as inspiring their reading and writing. These books range from EYFS to Year 6.
These are some of the books we use during Spring Term to inspire our writing or to read for pleasure.
Our whole school reading canon can be found below. This maps out the high quality texts we use across the whole of school during the academic year.
Our approach to reading can be found in the letter below. This was sent out to parents at the beginning of the school year.
Children take home a reading for pleasure book. This book is to enjoy, either independently or as a family.
As well as this, children will also have either a Read, write, inc. story book or an Accelerated reader book. This book is pitched at the children's current reading level. Children will be able to read this book independently and confidently.
Reading Rewards
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
A book is a gift you can open again and again.
See the details on our two reading reward schemes below. We encourage our pupils to read at home regularly to not only improve their reading ability, but to create a love of reading.