Curriculum Intent
PSHE Intent
PSHE and citizenship at Charles Baines aims to nurture and encourage active engagement in learning. It sets out to provide the children with opportunities to consider and clarify their values and beliefs and to rehearse and develop enquiry and interpersonal skills.
We aim to develop self-confidence and enable children to make informed choices regarding personal and social issues. Children are provided with the tools to be able to develop positive relationships and to have respect for themselves and others. Children are taught what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and how to make informed and healthy choices. They learn how to keep themselves safe and how to tackle issues related to their safety both on and offline.
Our shared values and golden rules underpin all aspects of school life. These will help to prepare children for the next stage of their academic journey and equip them with the tools required to become lifelong learners and successful, democratic and well-rounded individuals in both the local community and in the wider world.
School Values
Our Golden Rules
We are gentle
We are kind and helpful
We Listen
We are honest
We work hard
We look after property